George Vlachonikolis

George Vlachonikolis

George Vlachonikolis

George Vlachonikolis is Head of Economics at Headington School, Oxford and has taught Economics for A Level and IB for 10 years after a previous career in the army. 

He is PGCE Subject Lead for economics at the University of Buckingham and is the Initial Teacher Training lead for his school. He has also written a book, From Camouflage to Classroom: What my Army career taught me about teaching, which explores the role of the classroom teacher through the lens of military principles and practice.

Currently he is studying with Cambridge Assessment Network and Cambridge University Faculty of Education on the Postgraduate Advanced Certificate in Educational Studies: Educational Assessment (PGCA).

What do you find interesting about assessment?

I have spent all of my teaching career preparing students for A Level and IB exams. But I have been on the other side too: I have been an examiner, including a period as Principal Examiner (5 years), in Economics and am an External Expert in Economics for Ofqual. Equally, I have spent time authoring and editing textbooks and teachers' resources for my subject. Assessment has been a focus for my entire teaching career and I'd like to continue to learn more about it.

Any particular areas of interest/expertise you’d be happy being asked about?

Teaching, A Levels, Ofqual.

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