Lana Belic

Lana Belic


Dr Lana Belic is an international thought leader who has been inspiring teachers to experiment with new teaching approaches for more than 20 years, while shaping educational trends in the region, pioneering school concepts and ideating innovation at many levels. Lana is a Programme Leader for Cambridge International Professional Development Qualifications, a Cambridge Assessment Specialists and a member of The Cambridge Panel network. As a CEO at Teach For Serbia, part of Teach For All, and a Global Director of Education at Educate International, Lana is dedicated to transforming educational landscape and mindsets alike, empowering teachers to experiment in their classrooms while re-inventing their pedagogy by using a variety of formative assessment tools.

"Assessment should inspire both teachers and learners to dive into metacognition, explore creativity and wake up neurotransmitters to shape the learning curve. Such paradigm shift informs not only assessment FOR learning but also assessment AS learning."

Areas of interest/expertise: Creative assessment design, metacognition and neuroscience of learning

Assessment practitioner awards

Assessment practitioner awards

Our awards have been designed to recognise and demonstrate a commitment to developing your assessment expertise.