The future of high stakes school assessment by Sarah Hughes, 31 January 2023 In the past 40 years, the pace of technological change has been rapid. In those same years, assessment has remained largely the same. In this blog we ask, is digital assessment finally on its way, and if so what does that look like? From a lift and shift model to 'born digital exams, we examine how technology is shaping assessment, and discuss why the focus should be on what we want for the future of education, not what the tech can do for us.
How can we balance innovation and comparability in our digital high stakes assessments? by Sarah Hughes & Gill Elliot, 04 October 2022 Comparability, or the extent to which standards are similar, between paper and digital assessments can be a concern. In this blog researchers Sarah Hughes and Gill Elliot explain what we mean by comparability when talking about digital assessment, and how our Digital High Stakes Assessment Programme is balancing innovation and comparability of outcomes.
Why don’t we just put our high stakes exams on screen? by Sarah Hughes, 06 January 2022 With all the work which has gone into creating our archive of thousands of assessments, that were developed using research evidence and quality assured, why don’t we just put our existing assessments on screen?
What do we mean by ‘digital’? by Sarah Hughes, 18 November 2021 Research and Thought Leadership Lead, Sarah Hughes explores, the definition of the term ‘digital’ and what that means for the future of assessment.
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