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(15 Oct 2014, 07:37)
Michael O'Sullivan, Chief Executive of Cambridge International Examinations, takes a brief look at the factors driving the change and the pressures for improvement at schools.
Michael O'Sullivan, Chief Executive of Cambridge International Examinations.
(15 Oct 2014, 16:50)
Dr Stephen Spurr, Managing Director of Reddam House Europe, former Head Master at Westminster School, talks about the benefits of international cooperation in the context of national competitiveness and calls for a 'creative fusion' of Socratic and Confucian approaches to learning.
Dr Stephen Spurr, Managing Director, Reddam House Europe.
(15 Oct 2014, 12:56)
David Barrs, Head Teacher of Anglo European School, shares his interpretation of International Baccalaureate and how his school adopts and embeds the values of IB into his school curriculum.
David Barrs, Head Teacher, Anglo European School.
(15 Oct 2014, 17:13)
Dino Varkey reveals the ingredients of success in private education: long-term, consistent accountability and prompt action on underperformance.
Dino Varkey, Group Executive Director and Board Member, GEMS Education Group.
(15 Oct 2014, 15:22)
Gisella Langè, Foreign Languages Inspector at the Italian Ministry of Education, shares the driving forces favouring innovative education models in Italy.
Gisella Langè, Foreign Languages Inspector, Italian Ministry of Education.
(15 Oct 2014, 13:38)
The audience and the speakers agree that teacher support, continuity and understanding of the needs of different communities will determine the success of educational changes.
Speakers and the audience discuss the role of teachers in international education.
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