Is 14 the new 16?

Is 14 the new 16?
Date: 07 Jun 2011
Type: Seminar

We hosted an event to debate whether the age at which children take GCSEs should be lowered to 14 as well as the pros and cons of a routed system.  

Presenters included: Tim Oates, Group Director – Assessment Research & Development, Cambridge Assessment; Professor Geoff Hayward, University of Leeds; Professor Ken Spours, Head of Continuing and Professional Education, Institute of Education, University of London.  Panellists included: Dr Hilary Steedman, Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), London School of Economics and Political Science; Dr Matt Grist, Senior Researcher, Demos; and Christopher Morecroft, President, Association of Colleges. Special guest Graham Stuart MP, Chair of the Education Select Committee, also shared his views with the audience.

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