12 March 2007
Barrie Hunt, Director of Asset Languages at OCR, said: "We welcome the report's approach to assessment through the Languages Ladder at Key Stages 2 and 3 when children are developing a passion for languages. At primary the formative approach of Asset Languages is working well and at secondary many pupils are already being motivated by the scheme's approach.
He added: "Globalisation demands that as many of our young people as possible have access to language learning. Encouraging schools to keep their students involved to the end of their compulsory education is necessary too."
The Asset Languages scheme is designed to reward language skills for learners of all ages and abilities from primary to adult. The qualifications are offered at six stages, in over 20 languages, in all four skill areas; listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Since September 2005, in excess of 15,000 candidates have made entries across the range of languages offered and a further 50,000 are expected to make entries for summer 2007. Over 1,400 schools have already registered an interest in making entries in the future.
Notes to editors
Page 13 of the report, paragraph 3.29: "We therefore recommend that a qualification associated with the Languages Ladder (currently Asset Languages) is made available for all pupils at the end of Key Stage 3 at a subsidised cost for schools, and that consideration is given to achievement through the Languages Ladder being recognised through the award of GCSE."