Martina Kuvalja

Martina Kuvalja

Martina Kuvalja

Martina is a Senior Researcher in the "Research and Thought Leadership" team. She is in charge of research that is central to informed decision-making within the Digital Assessment & Evaluation team. With a strong emphasis on generating impactful outcomes, this research serves as the foundation for developing valid and evidence-based digital products.

What is your role in the Digital Assessment team?

Manage the research programme and provide research consultancy to Digital Assessment & Evaluation teams while ensuring customer's needs and well-being are at the heart of what we build and research.

What can people ask you about?

Research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, generative AI in education and assessment, research quality, research ethics, cognitive and educational psychology, teaching and assessment of "non-cognitive" skills, metacognition and self-regulated learning, UX research.

Tell us something about you that we don't need to know, but helps us get to know you

I needed a new big project after I completed my PhD - I went to learn how to play the sitar.

What is the most exciting thing in the future of assessment?

The possibility of capturing learning that happens within the "zone of proximal development".

What most annoys you about the assessment industry?

The lack of serious interest in the digital dynamic assessment (I believe genAI is about to change this).

What are your interests?

Gymming, running, meditation, reading fiction.

Research Matters

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Research Matters is our free biannual publication which allows us to share our assessment research, in a range of fields, with the wider assessment community.

Data Bytes

A regular series of graphics from our research team, highlighting the latest research findings and trends in education and assessment.