07 September 2009
State schools are in line to receive a decision on funding for Cambridge IGCSE as they return from the holiday.
Cambridge International Examinations - one of the three exam boards that make up the Cambridge Assessment Group - believes that it is close to achieving its aim of making a wide range of Cambridge IGCSE subjects available to students at state maintained schools in the UK. Sixteen Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses received accreditation in January 2009 when they were added to the National Database of Accredited Qualifications (NDAQ) under the formal title of ‘Cambridge Certificates’.
Ann Puntis, Chief Executive, Cambridge International Examinations, said: "Indications are that we are now very close to receiving a final Government decision on funding to enable maintained schools to offer Cambridge IGCSE. Almost all of the syllabuses submitted have been approved in principle for funding. For a handful, we were asked at the beginning of summer to provide a little more additional information – it’s a very rigorous process. But we’re optimistic that we should hear pretty soon and close to the start of schools’ Autumn term.
"Our goal remains equality of access to Cambridge IGCSE worldwide, and we hope that the qualification will soon be fully available to state maintained schools in the UK.
During the past 12 months, we have received a large increase in enquiries from maintained schools – particularly regarding our English, science and modern foreign language syllabuses."
For more information about the IGCSE in the UK visit the Cambridge International Examinations website.